
Showing posts from June, 2016


SIMPLE EXERCISES Here are some simple exercises and stretches for people who are a victim of 9-5 hectic office schedule, follow these simple steps and bring a change in your body, preventing the musculoskeletal conditions  like repetitive strain injury that can occur which you might be unaware of, or you may already be suffering from. These musculoskeletal disorders may occur due to repetitive, forceful hand movements, awkward sitting position, causing pain and weakness. THE STRETCHES: ·           shoulder stretch front: Interlock your fingers in front and straighten your elbows, taking palms away from the body. ·           Shoulder stretch back: Interlock your fingers behind your back and straighten your elbows. ·          Triceps stretch: Bring your arm behind your head with a bent elbow. Push on elbow downwards with the opposite hand. ·            Shoulder pull: Straighten your arm, hold above the elbow and try to brin


The Deltoid A brief description. Deltoid, previously called as Deltoideus or (plural- Deltoidei) is a Greek word . The name is given as Deltoid due to its resemblance to a triangular shaped  Greek alphabet  Delta. Therefore Deltoid is a triangular shaped  muscle in the shoulder region of our body.  Also called as "Delt" in slang. it is a thick muscle which covers the shoulder joint and helps to stabilize the head of the humerus while carrying heavy loads by preventing dislocation of the shoulder joint. The muscle helps in initiating the movement of shoulder abduction (bringing your hand up from side to side). You can imagine the two equilateral  triangles on the upper portion of your arms  with apex of the triangles facing downwards on  both the sides to know the position of the muscle in your body. THE THREE PARTS OF THE MUSCLE ARE: Posterior or Rear Delts   Lateral or Middle Delts
TEXT NECK- A tech-induced ailment   Technology has shown marked progress these days, as it provides the ease of communication. The use of tech-based gadgets is growing everyday. Texting, is something we do very frequently and for long hours, the method of texting is holding the mobile phone in hand and looking downwards to the screen, yes! not necessarily to be mentioned! but, the posture we adapt while doing so is the matter of concern here. Not only texting, but surfing internet, playing games, watching videos for hours can also be added to the list of the works we do on the cell phones, tablets or any other wireless gadgets.     A closer look at the condition: L.Fishman, Chiropractic Dean, Florida  coined the term TEXT NECK and the phrase “text neck is an overuse syndrome or a repetitive stress injury, where you have your head hung forward and down looking at your mobile device for extended periods of time,” the human head weighs approximately 10lbs, for every inch of fo


Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a health care profession based on physical medicine and rehabilitation, to treat impairments. This speciality in physical rehabilitation promotes functional abilities and  mobility. The therapy includes mechanical forces and movements. PT is an abbreviation used for physical therapy or commonly called as physiotherapy in most of the countries. The injuries or trauma limiting a person's ability to perform daily activities are cured and recovered by the physiotherapists. This blog, PTalert will share with you the knowledge and information about the basic human functions, disorders, abnormalities and their cure as well.  Stay Tuned!!