
Showing posts from November, 2017

The venous issue.

Varicose veins              “Don’t trust the heart, it wants your blood.” Veins are blood vessels carrying de-oxygenated blood towards heart. Their might occur vascular abnormalities leading to venous defects, causing several bodily problems. This article is aimed at providing some basic information about the disease called “varicose veins”. Before moving towards the topic, let’s have an overview on what veins actually are, and what functions do they perform in our body. Veins carry oxygen-depleted blood from tissues and organs to the heart. Veins can be deep (running below the fascia), superficial (running above the fascia) and perforating (running between deep and superficial). Veins are not as thick and elastic as the arteries, hence they do not hold their shape under compression and might get torn when overstretched. The blood pressure in the veins is lower as compared to the arteries, therefore it’s difficult for the blood to run against the gravity especially in