
Showing posts from December, 2016
MUSCLE CRAMPS “That random pain you experience once in a while” Muscle cramp is a very common term that every one of us often hear and encounter in our day to day lives. At times you randomly move a part of your body and experience a sudden contracting pain in muscles. Most commonly the calf muscles. The pain sometimes is experienced while sleeping or during sitting or standing for long periods of time. commonly this type of pain in muscle is experienced after a few hours of physical activity, might be a vigorous one also. A lot of people including family and friends often ask me about what muscle cramps actually are. Why do muscle cramps occur? And what are the ways to get rid of these cramps? So, this time I picked up a very simple but an important topic to share with all my readers. What are muscle cramps? Muscle cramps are the involuntary sudden contraction of muscles causing pain and stiffness in a muscle. The type of pain can be described as dull aching pa